This Christmas has given me the (much appreciated) opportunity to devote time to reading, reflection and prayer. Part of this is done alongside Carol (who has got used to my frequent 'book quotes') and part is done 'alone'. The end of one year and the start of another often serves me as a good time to look back in remembrance and to look forward in anticipation. 2010 will be the first year we begin with no children at home. But for Brent that would make us officially "empty-nesters". With that comes a renewed desire to consider our priorities and how it is that we can be most fruitful for the Lord. At times such as this, I am easily drawn to the hindrances in me to the goals of which I dream. So today, I wanted to share with you some of what I hope to "become" in 2010, out of which I trust, the Lord will bring forth fruit to his glory. I am a list-maker and so it is most natural for me to list some of the growth goals of what I hope to become ....
- More balanced in my life when it comes to what I will call Spiritual Contemplation. Pete Scazzero has helped me with this recently. I am particularly excited to explore ways in which I can build a rhythm of life that incorporates a balance of work, rest, community and contemplation.
- More given to a model of shared life within the community of faith.
- Living into a team model of leadership across the BridgePoint community in order to encourage and stimulate us towards more effective ministry and mission.
- More free within myself, especially in the areas of my emotions by building upon what we have been discovering over the last couple of years
- A better friend to the people in my life by doing all I can to develop more intimate relationships (Intimacy in the sense of "deep mutual knowing for the purpose of expressing care")
- More attentive to things that will help develop me mentally (reading, conversation, blogging/diary) and physically (diet, exercise, rest) as well as spiritually (above)
- Becoming more focused upon the things I feel I do well and through which I can make the greatest contribution. One such area would be that of providing more deliberate Spiritual Direction for those who seek it.
Perhaps this is a good place to stop - 7 being a good number of completion, though it may be as much due to my already feeling overly challenged by what I have written. I am more aware than ever that, as I am often saying to others, 'you cannot grow yourself by yourself'. For that I am grateful for the spiritual friends God has put in my life and I look forward to the mutual encouragement we can share with one another due to the gift of God that is within us. Or as said by the Apostle Paul, "that
you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith." [Rom 1:12]
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