Tuesday, April 17, 2007

6 Tough Questions for the Church

This past week, Carol and I traveled up to Little Rock, AR for one of our Network Gatherings. It was a very encouraging time, one in which we both sensed a good deal of affirmation about our ministry and the particular vision God has given us for Austin. It was good to meet Archbishop Kolini and Bishop John from Rwanda - I would certainly recommend the bishop's new book, 'The Bishop of Rwanda' (click here for details). I also got the chance to teach on the subject of Holiness and was encouraged by the amount of positive feedback.

The real treat of the gathering though was to hear Reggie McNeal speak on the subject of leadership. About three years ago he wrote a book entitled 'Present-Future Church' which had a real impact upon me (and many others I suspect). I would certainly also recommend this. I actually preached a sermon series based loosely around the 'six tough questions for the church' which he lays out within the sections of this book. Perhaps some of you remember the series?? :0)

Anyway, I wanted to outline here the basic contents of that book for your reflection as to why we are doing what we are doing at BridgePoint. Next week, I want to summarize the teaching Reggie presented on Leadership Greatness.

Six tough questions for the Church

Reggie McNeal

“Church world has largely forsaken its missional covenant with God, to be a part of Kingdom Expansion

Basic (Wrong) Assumptions

  • If you build the perfect church, they will come
  • Growing your church will automatically make a difference in the community
  • Developing better church members will result in greater evangelism
  • The church needs more workers (for church work)
  • Church involvement results in discipleship
  • Better planning will get you where you want to go.

Six new realities of the present future

(Most church leaders are pre-occupied with wrong questions)

1. Collapse of Church Culture

Wrong question: How do we do church better?

Tough Question: How do we Deconvert from churchianity to Christianity?

2. Shift from Church Growth to Kingdom Growth

Wrong Question: How do we grow this Church? (Get them to come to us?)
Tough Question: How do we transform our community?

3. New Reformation: Releasing God's people

Wrong Question: How do we turn members into ministers?

Tough Question: How do we turn members into missionaries?

4. Return to Spiritual Formation

Wrong Question: How do we develop church members?

Tough Question: How do we develop followers of Jesus?

5. Shift from planning to preparation

Wrong Question: How do we plan for the future?

Tough Question: How do we Prepare for the future?

6. Rise of Apostolic Leadership

Wrong Question: How do we develop leaders for Church work?

Tough Question: How do we develop leaders for Christian movement?

These would be good questions for us to wrestle with in prayer before the Lord, in our LTPs and at our home gatherings.

The second half of our trip was equally exciting as we got to go down to Houston for our grand-daughter's first birthday party. So, just had to include a photo of her with proud granddad!

Looking forward to our gathering this coming Saturday evening - new time, new (old) location, same good, faithful God.

Much love,