We must learn to grow in love and to do so more and more as Paul says to the Christians in Thessalonica. I have come up with my own list of ways we can do this in our simple churches. Love is a choice, so why not take a look, reflect on those that 'hit home' and resolve to put some into practice more often, maybe even sharing that with another trusted friend who can give you feedback in a month or so as to how you're doing. Beware of trying to do too much though and then feeling self-condemned. Better to aim at 2 or 3 for a time.
Ok, so here's the list, in no particular order. Also, think about this in terms of your whole life, wherever and with whomever you find yourself;
Respond to emails promptly about participation and contribution at the meeting
Bring something to share of what is happening in your life
Be more punctual - respect other people's time
Take initiative to connect with others outside the group gathering so as to get to know them
"Give first" - call people more, give a small meaningful gift, etc.
Seek to become more accountable/vulnerable/real - remove the mask with some
Listen well
Be curious/dig deeper by asking open-ended questions and don't move on too quickly
Don't be too quick to write yourself off as to the impact you may have on someone else
Be ready to commit or at least explore with someone why that's hard for you
Offer to help someone you see struggling - a little bit goes a long way
Beware of triangulation - speaking badly about one person to another. If someone does that to you, interrupt and encourage them to address the person directly, offering to help if necessary
Be a peacemaker
Celebrate special occasions (birthdays and anniversaries) and other's achievements
Pray for people - maybe just one a day or as at the Spirit leads you
Offer to make/bring main dish at least once in a while -can be simple, maybe team up with another
Offer to host
Ask for help - shows you're real
Comments and additions very welcome!
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