George was saying how they continue to be inundated with reports of God working in ways that parallel the accounts we read in Exodus and Acts in the Bible. God is always working, Jesus reminds us, and the Sentinel Group see it as part of their mandate to "tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might, so that all men may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of your kingdom." [Psalm 145:11-12] As I listened, I again recognized the desire and longing in my own heart that we would witness such a move of God among us here in Central Texas. As I write this, I am reminded of the prayer of the prophet Habakkuk, "Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time (and city!) make them known; in wrath remember mercy." [Hab 3:2]
But what will it take, what are the conditions that enable God to move in such revival power among his people. We are generally familiar with them ... prayer, humility, unity, holiness, righteousness, justice, mercy. It is not because of a lack of knowledge or understanding here in the West. Rather, as George reminded us, it is a matter of hunger. What are we truly hungry for, what do we devote ourselves to ... our time, our money, our dreams, our families? Unfortunately, among the majority of believers, the manifest presence and glory of God are not at the top of the list.
Everything belongs to the Lord, is desire and intent is to fill the whole earth with his glory. He desires to dwell among his people and make himself known to them. So it is not a question of God's unwillingness to act or to give. Rather the issue is with us. The issue is with me - will I settle for something less than God's best, or will I devote myself to the pursuit of God and his Kingdom. Will I simplify my life, will I remove the 'excess baggage', will I give myself wholeheartedly to his work and his call upon me. 'Lord, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, help me in my weakness'.
I know I cannot do this alone, I do not trust myself. I need others with me on the journey, men who will pray for me, push me, carry me when necessary. I am blessed to be part of the community of BridgePoint, blessed beyond words. But let us not stop short of the Promised Land, let us know settle for the land east of the Jordan because it looks attractive. Let us believe for a great work of God among us, and the fulfillment of his word for our lives together.
Pressing on towards the goal,
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