Thomas was awoken early one morning recently and it led him to write down these thoughts as he spent time before the Lord. I wanted to share them with you ...
In 2 Samuel Chapter 6 when Uzzah and the congregation of worshippers is escorting the
To bring His people closer to Himself, God gave instructions about sin and the consequences of it. He made a place where His people could approach Him and He made a way for things to be reconciled. He did all this with precision and care to ensure that the Israelites knew when they had made full and proper sacrifice for sins committed. He also gave instructions for how the
But now it seems that we as His Church have gone down the road again with the ox cart. Having been given the right to be called children of God, and having the desire to worship him in recognition of His love we seem to be foolishly dancing down the road with the whole worship band (2 Samuel 6) doing things our way.
On Christmas day A.D. 00 the King left his throne and in place of it he laid in a sheep pen. He gave Himself in love for us as a ransom not too many years later. And on Pentecost, we were given the Holy Spirit - the “deposit” on life with Him now and forever. And in some mysterious way we carry His presence with us. He has given Himself to us and upon acknowledging Him and our need of Him, we are His temple – Holy and blameless in His sight because of who He is and what He has done.
*This next part will seem harsh – kind of like justice for Uzzah that day.
But now life for the most part inside the church and outside the church in the
Who or what are our ears listening to? Attendance numbers and tithe tallies do not represent hearts of flesh, softened by God. Another building campaign, another popular program and one more godly experience where “I felt it!” does not symbolize the prodigal returning home to the Father.
Recently I read something that puts a fine point on it. To paraphrase, the writer said that if it’s not explicitly the pre-eminence of Christ that’s being exulted then it’s a loss. I am confident that King David meant well in celebrating the return of the
But it’s not about good intentions. Someone said once that “good” is the enemy of “best”. And since the Creator of the universe doesn’t make mistakes, we can only learn again from Uzzah - who we are more like than we would probably admit. What else could we need to build, to say or to do for God when He has already given – freely given to the ones that he loves, lavishly all things in Christ Jesus.
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